on September 14, 2021

Sweetums Joins the Wipe Revolution

Take a walk down the aisles of your local big-box or grocery store, and you'll notice a trend: wipes are in.

sweetums wipes

You can clean your home, your baby, your hands, and your electronics with wipes. There seem to be new types of wipes every day. It's like there's been a revolution.

With so many wipes on the market, it can be difficult to choose the right product for you.

Some products do pull double duty, while others have a specific use. You might even be surprised to discover one company is making an intimate wipe. It's called Sweetums, and the company is here to join the wipe revolution.

Now, these wipes designed for sex aren't the same as those you might have stashed in your bathroom. Those wipes are intended specifically for hygiene. While they might help you feel a bit more confident in general, they don't offer any perks for your sex life.

Sweetening Your Experience

That's how Sweetums wipes differ. With a hint of flavor, these wipes not only help you feel fresher. They make you taste tantalizing. You'll be comfortable enough for your partner to slide between your legs, and taste so good that they won't be able to get enough of you!

You might even try swiping one of these wipes on your neck or cleavage if you want to surprise your partner when they go in for a kiss. That's definitely not something you'd want to do with flavored lube, which can be incredibly sticky and runny. Plus, you never have to worry about the packaging spilling into your nightstand or travel bag.

Whether your partner likes mango, pina colada, watermelon, cherry, mojito, or cinnamon bun flavors, there's plenty to choose from.

You can start with a single pack of each flavor to find your favorite, then buy a few 10-pack boxes to keep in your nightstand (or even your purse!).

Although designed as a feminine wipe, there's nothing stopping men from using Sweetums, either. In fact, you might enjoy rubbing these wipes on your partner's body before running your hands or tongue over their skin. Make it a game and have them try to guess the Sweetums flavor--or combination of flavors--you've used on your body. Chances are, you'll soon find yourself lost in the moment.

Transparency in Marketing and Production

Of course, you want any feminine wipe to be pH balanced to avoid potential infections, and that's what you get with Sweetums wipes, which have been formulated to be safe. And if you're worried about animal cruelty, you can rest assured that these wipes are never tested on animals. Not every product is as thoughtfully designed as Sweetums wipes.

Sweetums makes it clear that you should toss these in the trash when you're done. Although some wipes say they're flushable, your plumber would likely argue otherwise. They're only technically flushable because they're small enough to fit through your pipes, but they can still easily cause a lot of problems. When it comes to Sweetums, the manufacturer only wants to help you achieve pleasure, not be a pain in your life.

If you think it's time to finally boost your confidence, let your partner please you orally, or prioritize your sexual pleasure, Sweetums wipes can help.


1 comment

I love the mints. I love the sensation.

Daisy Phillips-Jones ,

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